The Instillery Launches Budget-Friendly Cybersecurity in New Zealand


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In the enchanting land of New Zealand, where sheep may outnumber cyber experts, The Instillery is stepping up to the tech plate with a game-changer move. They’ve rolled out their latest brainchild—Microsoft Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services. Their grand plan? To wrap a cybersecurity blanket around the shoulders of countless Kiwi enterprises that previously shivered at the high costs of digital protection.

Jeremy Nees, the Chief Operating Officer and apparently the cyber superhero at The Instillery, is on a mission. He’s not scaling mountains but rather tearing down the barriers that have left leaner businesses exposed to digital storms. “It’s like offering an umbrella in a downpour,” Jeremy explained, introducing their new MDR services tailored from their vast experience.

At the heart of this cyber crusade is Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, a trusted sidekick in the newly launched MDR services. The strategy? To smartly utilize the pile of Microsoft licenses gathering dust in the companies’ digital backyards. Picture this: a company buys a swanky Microsoft 365 Business Premium package but barely scratches the surface of its potential. The Instillery’s answer? Offering bang-for-your-buck, all-inclusive security monitoring that shakes up the old ‘too expensive, too complex’ cybersecurity narrative.

Adding to the excitement, Sam Leggett, a seasoned vet from CERT NZ, is leaping into The Instillery’s team as a Security Consultant. It’s like assembling the Avengers, but for battling cyber-villains! Nees is thrilled, seeing this as a golden chance to democratize cybersecurity, making it as common as morning coffee for New Zealand’s businesses.

The new services aim to slice through the double trouble of high costs and low awareness like a hot knife through butter, paving a safer path for enterprises across New Zealand. Nees is all about lowering these barriers, ensuring that even the smallest business can afford to keep the cyber-baddies at bay.

From cloud computing to connecting the unconnected, The Instillery is not just about selling solutions but empowering their clients to thrive safely in the digital realm. They’re making a robust push to boost New Zealand’s cyber health, ensuring every business, big or small, can innovate without fear.

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